Thursday, June 6, 2013

Friday Foxy Things

First off, as I hang my head in shame, I have succumbed to Twitter. Yes, Mocha Fox now has a twitter account! Which means I can stalk all my favorite bloggers and British celebrities. Come follow me!

Here are some of the things I've been feeling foxy about this week!

I know I just put this song up in last month's playlist but the video just came out and it's just... so good. I can't get enough of Sheeran, I saw him play live last year and he was just amazing.

Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran.

Are you sick of hearing about the Red Wedding yet? I'm not. I've been trying to make one of my best friends cry every day by putting Red Wedding memes on her Facebook... Because I'm a good friend and an even better person.

+ I'm expecting this decal for my car any day now. Pretty stoked about it.
+ I need this Harry Potter shirt. Need.

+ Some summer things I'm lusting for...
foxy things 1

Fav Pins:

+ A project I'm gonna start working on this weekend for Kris.
+ Homemade honey ice cream... what??
+ Cut off shirt diy
+ Nine different bun styles by Freckled Fox
+ I wish this would happen to me!

Hannah wrote this post about helping stop child trafficking in your state.
Lorelai recently shared a recipe for gluten free lemon sugar cookies, yum!

And this literally made me laugh out loud

What are some foxy things you've been feeling lately?


  1. I LOVE Game of Thrones!! I'm glad I saw the latest episode or I would have been really mad you spoiled it :p

    Exploring My Style

  2. Home made ice-cream? Sounds like heaven .
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  3. Totally digging the cut off shirt and the homemade ice cream!! Thanks for linking up with Lately Loving!
    Lish @ Imprintalish


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